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markhamguy2008's Profile
Latest Experience
H1-B Nebraska service center - approval noticed not received in 20 days

Hi all i have my H1-B approved with premium processing at NSC on Sept 10th 2019 the lawyers haven't received the I-797 approval notice i...

delays in receiving H1B approval notice

Hi All i just got my H1B amendment petition approved for switching the legal entity of the employer from company A to company B. the peti...

Fingerprint review complete after Interview

Hi All my PD date is May 2018 - ROW I had my AOS interview on Aug 6th, 2019 Chicago office. Today I checked my status and I see t...

Latest Replies
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my interview was Aug 06th 2019, Chicago office, EB2 ROW - status still "interview was scheduled"

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can you please your timeline what is the date for receipt for your I-485 application? what is the 1-140 date? here is the section fr...

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@danielcisco can you please give your timeline and more details about what is the same thing you are referring to?

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@Aria I haven't asked anybody yet. can you please verify your PD and timing are you saying your PD is July 2019 or 2018? ca...

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what is your priority date? I have my interview on Aug 6th 2019 and the online status still says "interview was schedule" my PD is...

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I had my interview on Aug 6th also , and the officer handed me a paper which had the 2nd check box selected which says "your interview is c...

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