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mcanon's Profile
Latest Experience
NYC interview tomorrow

I'm sponsoring my husband. I'm a US born citizen, and he has DACA. He was EWI until we corrected that last year with advanced parole. ...

Post 9/5 DACA return experience (long)

Prelude: I'm speaking on behalf of my husband's experience. I'm a US born citizen and he has DACA, originally from Hong Kong, he h...

Expedite request denied.

Hi everyone. My fiance has DACA and applied for advance parole, they received it October 20th. We're still waiting of course. We're tryi...

Latest Replies
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Hi, we had an address issue as well, slightly different. We moved from NYC to NJ and filed for address change right away (January) the...

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Hi, have you tried going to the post office in person? Is this your local post office? I think you should go in person to explain the severity o...

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Thank you! We were approved on the spot! On the way home his online status changed to "card being produced"! Good luck on your intervi...

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We passed! We just got home and we're so happy. Sorry if this post is a mess. When the interviewer mentioned receiving the green card, but i...

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The interview is in the Manhattan office. We filed in Queens though.

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What matters is that you didn't lie. You getting fired is on record and is dated. If they felt like investigating it you'd be ok, becaus...

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