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nileshp10's Profile
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PIO card without embassy stamp on first page

Hi, After a long wait, I received my daughters PIO card today. Unfortunately, the first page is not stamped with the NY embassy stamp, wher...

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Hi sm420j, Thanks for posting. I agree with you about not being worried because of visa on arrival. I had emailed the Indian consulate...

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Thanks for the update. Now I have received one more email asking me to collect my documents from their office: "Dear Applicant...

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Hi avtar11, I have received an email with the following text: "Your completed application has been recieved from the Indian Embas...

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Hi avtar11, I also sent my daughters PIO card application on 10/30, and received an email on 11/4, giving me the tracking number. No update...

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Hi Soniya, I am also in the same boat, no updates on the CKGS website. When I called them and asked for status, they say they sent the appl...

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