For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hi everyone, I am an applicant for AOS I just got my combo card in mail in Sep 7th last week. However I’m waiting for my Social Security Car...
Hi guys, I have questions regarding my AOS. I’ve been waiting for my work permit and travel document, I took my biometric fingerprints since A...
Hi everyone, I highly appreciate somebody can help me with this case: I am on AOS through marriage to a U.S citizen, I mailed the AOS in ...
Hi guys, I'm really hoping to get the answer of my problem here. I'm Indonesian but also have a citizenship in Japan (from my g...
Hi everyone, I'm planing to apply for the Advance Parole, however I still really nervous about it since me and my husband are planning to go...
I still didn’t receive anything on the mail box however I went to the SSA office yesterday and they told me to fill up a form so basically I app...
I was also talking to the SSA last Friday, he advised me to apply one in person while my lawyer advised me to wait for its arrived in mail or co...
Hi there! Thank you for your response. Yeah It's really stressful when it comes to the government stuff. Anyway did you show them...
Me too! I got mine approved last week Aug 24th and just today the status changed to "Card being produced" I've been told by my la...
Hi, I am also in the same place here. Been waiting for my "Combo card". I just got the approval notice Aug 24th and just today the upd...
Hi did you get your EAD Card ? I got my status update "Card being produced" and I'm wondering to know how long does it takes to ...
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