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rushrest's Profile
Latest Experience
My Journey

Hello all, bellow is my experience, This forum has been very very helpful through out my journey My category was rest of the world, EB1C &#...

What document to bring for biometric appointment

Hi all, I have my biometric appointment scheduled, appreciate if someone can suggest what documents to bring along. Thank you

Medical RFE

Hello all, I received RFE for medical. Those applying for adjustment of status must now present evidence of having been vaccinated against...

Form I944 (public charge)

Hello folks, My I-140 was approved 2 months back and now I am in the process to submit my adjustment of status. With the new rule, form I...


I read across the board about involving congressman, How is that done and how do I know who is the congressman for my location? Thank you

USCIS processing time

Hello all, Multinational executive or manager (E13) processing time for I-140 pet...

Latest Replies
Reply to: My Journey

Thank you, I did submit I-944, no RFE. The form is pretty easy to fill up and I filled it myself without any financial advisors help, there is n...

Reply to: My Journey

Hi, From Nepal and case was with national benefits center. Thanks

Reply to: EB1C - comments welcome

Wish you the same, after GC you are free to move around.

Reply to: EB1C - comments welcome

I am on near similar situation. L1A , EB1C ROW I40 approval Feb2020 L1A renewed March 2020 I485 submitted- June 2020 Medical RFE and Biomet...

Reply to: Company Decided Not to Proceed with PERM

I believe you need company sponsorship for L1 to GC process (EB1C category). I would recommend asking why they have retreated from pro...

Reply to: Medical RFE

Yes you can go to your primary physician. You can take your immunization shots which is MMR and TDAP for age 19 - 60. But chec with USCIS doctor...

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