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sarahA11's Profile
Latest Experience
New Citizen

I just wanted to share I did my oath ceremony yesterday and now a new US Citizen.Am so excited and grateful to each and every one that answered...

N400 Minnesota

I did my interview on 30th of January.I passed my interview and oath was scheduled the following day for February 16th.I’m super excited to be d...

N400 Minnesota

Applied for N400 in Mn May 20th 2022.Looks like things are moving on here.Got Notification interview scheduled for January.Nervous and excited a...


Can anyone help me figure out how they calculate Asylee 485.My green card was issued 2018 and was backdated one year to 2017.Not sure when I can...

I-131 Approved

I helped my neighbor with the I-131 and we sent the paperwork to Nebraska January 1st 2020 and she got a message that it was approved yesterday ...

Help with forms

I’m helping my neighbor with her forms for re entry permit and got stuck with the questions on page 3 part 5 about if she’s been out of country ...

Latest Replies
Reply to: New Citizen

Am in Minnesota.I filed my paperwork May 20 2022 and interview January 30th 2023 and following day Oath Ceremony was scheduled for February 16th...

Reply to: New Citizen

You need your original Naturalization Certificate to update your Social Security.I submitted mine with my Passport application.So when you get y...

Reply to: New Citizen

Congratulations to you.I was able to update my social security yesterday right after the oath ceremony at the same venue.The social security sta...

Reply to: N400 Minnesota

Congratulations to you as well.I’m also very excited to become a Citizen finally.I also made an appointment for Passport the following day after...

Reply to: N400 Minnesota

Thanks I haven’t received the notice for oath in the mail but I saw the date online and if I don’t receive it before the 16th which is the day I...

Reply to: N400 Minnesota

Thanks,I applied under 5yr rule.It took me exactly 8 months from application to interview.

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