For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hello, How long did you wait for an update after your interview? He said I passed the civics test but he was going to further look into my ...
Hello, Do you know where Oath Ceremonies in Los Angeles are held? Thanks!
Filing from L.A, marriage based, I-751 approved on 01/31/23. 11/22/22 - We received your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization 11/29/...
Hello, I would like to share my experience and see if any of you had a similar situation: i-751: November 22, 2021 We received your Form I...
AOS, marriage to USC based, filed from San Diego PD 07-10-19 Case ready to be scheduled for interview (i-485): 11-10-19 New card...
Hello everyone, I wanted to share my in-law's timeline: RD 06/17/19 Letter for i-485 received on 11/04/19, requesting for the medical re...
Yes, as someone else already mentioned on your other post, you can just print the PDF and take it with you. Also, in there it shows the address ...
do you have a myUSCIS account? Create one if you haven't already (by now you should have received an Account Acceptance letter with an ...
What I've seen is that they usually don't approve the I-751 prior to the interview, so it is mostly combo interviews. Still waiting for...
Forgot to mention, filing based on marriage, 3 year rule
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