For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hi there! I am currently in the US but on an nonimmigrant visa. I applied for a student permit and temp visa to Canada on the first of June and ...
My interview was Jan 2019 and until now nothing. Planning to get a lawyer to file a writ of mandamus. Filed in March 2018 for the I-485 and this...
I've been put on background check since my interview in Jan. 2019 after that nothing but thanks to my congressman's office they are foll...
I am in the same boat. PD March 7, 2018. Interview Jan. 10, 2019 after that Nothing. Field office: Newark, NJ. Immigration made a house ...
Don't hold your breath. Been waiting for a year after interview on January 9, 2019 and no update other than a USCIS house visit last August ...
No difference with the USCIS across the pond in Newark, NJ. Almost 2 years in waiting {PD was March 7, 2018) and until now no update. This ...
With the Field office of Newark, NJ you need to have patience the size of the Atlantic ocean. PD March 7, 2018. Almost 2 years waiting and inter...
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