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vivek-'s Profile
Latest Experience
B2 VISA for Parents - Approved @ Hyderabad Consulate on June 20, 2012

Thanks immihelp and all the users who shared their experience! My parents VISA was approved on June 20th, 2012. The slot was scheduled at 8...

B1 Visa has not issued under 214(b) section (2nd time)

Hi all, My B1 visa got rejected 2 years back.(April 21 2010) Again I appliled as per company wants me to go.  B1 V...

L1B - L2 - Granted

A big thanks to the forum. The questions were expected. As repeatedly stated the Key is confidence. The first 2-3 minutes really swings it ...

got L1B in Jan2011 at Mumbai

If your case is genuine, you will get the visa. More years of experience make your case strong. This website is a great source of information. S...

Can additional verification happen so soon...seemingly so!

This site sure did help me prepare for what was to come...and this is my way of thanking you! I come from an EC model of employment lookin...

Do we need to have any particular amount of experience to get L1 VISA? I have 36 months of experience with my current company (which is als...

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