I-864 EZ – Simpler Affidavit of Support

I-864 EZ – Simpler Affidavit of Support

A Form I-864 EZ is a shorter version of a Form I-864 designed for those that meet certain criteria.


A Form I-864 EZ can be used only if ALL of the following conditions apply:

  1. You are the person who filed or is filing the Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, for a relative being sponsored;

  2. The relative you are sponsoring is the only person listed on the Form I-130 petition;

    This can be true in all immediate relative petitions. This may be true in some preference-based categories if there are no dependents who are immigrating with or within six months of the sponsored immigrant.

  3. The income you are using to qualify is based entirely on your salary or pension and is shown on one or more Forms W-2 provided by your employer(s) or former employer(s).

Download Form I-864 EZ


You are not eligible for a Form I-864 EZ if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. The relative you are sponsoring is not the only person immigrating based upon the underlying visa petition; In other words, there are accompanying dependent (or derivative) family members;

  2. You filed or are filing a Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, for the immigrant you are sponsoring;

  3. You are a joint sponsor;

  4. You are a “substitute sponsor” filing because the original I-130 petitioner is dead;

  5. The income you will be using to qualify comes from your business.

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