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N-400 Dallas process
Im sharing my experience to help Dallas fillers and other N400 fillers in General, Id be happy to answer any question you may have.

04/22/2023 : Filled online 5 years rule
04/22/2023 : Biometric reuse
04/22/2023 : We are actively reviewing your case
06/21/2023 : Interview was scheduled
07/24/2023 : interview day got approved
07l/28/2023 : Oath ceremony

Interview took about 5 min, Was walked in And took the oath. Sat down the officer then asked what’s an Amendment and then moved to civic test which were:
1. We elect US senator for how many years
2. What movement tried to end racial discrimination
3. How many senators are there
4. Who’s the father of our country
5. Who wrote the declaration of independence
6. Who did the United States fight in WW2

Reading: Who lived in United States
Writing : American Indians lived in Unites States

Then he Went thro some parts of the application and I signed that everything was correct and that I’m willing to take the oath.

Wasn’t asked for any paperwork/evidence etc.

Ill leave this account active for couple of days to answer any question you may have.
Best of luck to y’all.
All Replies (10)


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