For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Im sharing my experience to help Dallas fillers and other N400 fillers in General, Id be happy to answer any question you may have. 04/22/2...
HI ya'll I have a question about filling form I751 1) for the supporting documents, Do i need to submit evidence from day 1 or ...
Here is my experience as Dallas filler PD : Fab 16, 2017 Dallas field office Married to USC Send RFE : March 25, 2017 Got the Combo ca...
I think it falls under proof of your identity or something like that. I added both My DL and Passport in case they needed to see proof of ident...
I only submitted what was asked which was GC front and back, proof of end of marriage, DL front and back and passport I did bring Tax transcript...
No citations No tickets. officer didn't ask for any other documents/evidence.
Didn't do anything special no expedite, I applied online and submitted the necessary/asked documents.
No kids. GC thro Marriage. 2 years after green card. If you aint happy and see no future with your wife then get out of it. It wont effect you...
My wife deceased
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