Philippines Citizens Required to Purchase Travel Insurance Before Traveling

Filipino President Rodrigo Roa Duterte announced on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, that Filipinos going abroad are required to purchase adequate travel insurance before leaving. This new requirement comes as the country begins loosening other coronavirus-related travel restrictions, such as lifting a ban on non-essential outbound travel and other exit travel restrictions.

For Filipinos wishing to travel overseas, requirements for travel insurance include coverage of rebooking and accommodation expenses, as well as hospitalization in case they were to contract coronavirus while on their trip. “I don’t know how much would be added to your expenses,” President Duterte said in a statement, “but the insurance is costly if you get sick while in travel.”

In addition, citizens wishing to travel must also show proof of confirmed round-trip tickets for anyone traveling on a tourist visa. They are only allowed to travel overseas if the destination country permits entry according to its own travel, health, and quarantine guidelines. Similarly, before departure, they must sign a form stating that they acknowledge the risk of traveling abroad—as well as the risk of any delays in their return trip.

President Duterte stated, “The destination countries are also interested about your visit and departure when your trip is over…This is so because COVID is still rampaging.”

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