如果您是为了商务访问申请申根签证, 如会见客户、接受订单、培训、会见投资者或其他类似的目的, 您应该从您的雇主那里得到一封申请信。请写在带有公司抬头的信笺上, 并详细说明您此行目的和行程。
Goldstar IT Services Ltd
666 Dongdaming Road
Shanghai 200080
Phone: +86-(021)55885959
May 24, 2019
German Consulate General Shanghai
181 Yongfu Rd,
Xuhui Qu
Shanghai 200031
Dear Sir or Madam,
Mr. Peng Zhao has been employed with Goldstar IT Services Ltd since February 8, 2015, as a software engineer. We provide customized software solutions to the car manufacturers.
He would like to travel to Germany to visit our client Mercedes Benz at Mercedesstraße 137, 70327 Stuttgart. Mr. Zhao would work primarily with Friedrich Hans from July 15, 2019, to July 21, 2019.
During his trip, Mr. Zhao will be staying at Mecure Hotel Stuggart City Center, located at Willy-Brandt-Straße 30, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany, and they can be reached at +49 711 22210.
Therefore, we respectfully request to you to grant Schengen visa to Mr. Peng Zhao.
If you have any questions, or if you need any further information, kindly contact me as per the contact information provided in the letterhead and below.
Mr. Qiang Sun
Project Manager
Email: [email protected]