Help, I bought 8 airline tickets back on jun of 2005 for the 14 of December, last
minute Paul calls me tells me tickets are no good, he say china airline cancelled my
tickets due to someone else bumpme, well guess what he lie I call china airline they say he never reserve our tickets or he never paid for it, but he took our money, well finally he calls me tells me the flight leaves later the next day, I call him back I am piss I told him I want plane tickets for the same day,after a long argument he finaly issue tickets for later 10 hours later, but now I dont have transportation so I have to stay in a hotel in South San Francisco, so I told him he needs to pay for hotel, which he does 2 rooms there is six of us going the week of 14 of december, and the other 2 on the 19 of december, well the check he gave me for the rooms bounced not good, I pay $10 dollar fee plus the $200 for the check. finally we arrive in Manila,me not knowing what realling is going on, so he did the same thing to my sister in -law and her boyfriend they were 1 day late as well.
well we are all in manila lets have fun lets forget about everything.
wellllll coming back is another story, we have no tickets they are no good, I call philippines airline they told me he did not paid, so we are stock in manila I call him many times trying to tell him to get us tikets, so many times, finally he told me use my credit card to buy tickets, I am not going to buy you tickets,can you belive this guy I am stuck here with my family and 2 little girls and he tells me used your credit card, like if I am a bank or something I spend over $700 dollars on calls from manila to fairfield, CA to get my tickets, anyway after 4 long days of waiting and arguing with this guy, i had no choise but to use my saving from my bank to get 8 tickets another $7800 dollars in which I have all receipts to get back home.
I am home now,I got in coctact with mr Sanchez from San Francisco and I am going to try to get my money, there is another part in which he use my credit card to purchase someone else tickets, which he return that money.But still a crime.
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