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Ashok-'s Profile
Latest Experience
H1b-Hyderabad-221g white

I have attended the visa interview at Hyderabad consulate today. VO asked me basic questions but issued 221g stating that they need to revi...

L1A Approved - Apr 30th

Hello! My L1 A was approved on Apr 30th. Thanks to Immihelp and team for providing me more insights. Questions for me were: Which comp...

Chennai Consulate - H1B extension

Appeared for H1B Visa interview, Below are the questions 1) What Kind of work you do there? 2) Educational Background 3)...

H1B apparoved

Hi, first of all thanks for immihelp for guiding. I have attended H1B interview @HYD consulate and its approved.. I am in BEP cat...

H1B Visa Approved @ Chennai on Mar 29 th

Thanks for all the people who posted their experiance in immihelp which helped me a lot. Im working for a reputed US company as a Full time...

H1B approved on 2/17/2011 @ Chennai Consulate

I have attended the H1B visa interview just now below are the questions asked by VO 1. Who is ue client 2. Where are you goimg to work fr...

Latest Replies
Reply to: Answer to Narendra

thanx for the response. I got more confused now. so world med will only pay up 5000 for lets say 3 months for any sickness and up to 100K fo...

Reply to: Dental Plan?

Thanks Narendra for the prompt reply on deductable qtn. Regarding Dental plan for Visitors to USA, which is better Careington or HPA (Gold/...

Disclaimer: Please note that the experiences presented are submitted by visitors to our website. Individuals’ experiences may vary, and you should interpret each individual’s experience at your own risk. Do not make a decision solely based on an experience posted here. We do not endorse any individuals’ experiences, and we are not liable or responsible for consequences stemming from your use of the information presented within any individual’s experience.