For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Finally got my approval notification email and text a few hours ago. I actually received a notification yesterday that my interview was cancelle...
I did my interview today Hartford CT and was approved however the divorce document I submitted was not accepted. The officer printed the RFE and...
Vermont Service Center Receive date: July 20, 2021 No lawyer was used. My interview has been scheduled for August 24. No updates online sinc...
Hi all My son finally had an appointment at the ss office today after having his gc since May. GC through marriage he’s my husband step- son. I...
My son received his gc today. Approved as I shared before without interview. Step son of USC. PD Dec 16. Card in production May 7 and May 12 car...
Hello everyone Connecticut filer here. Married to USC and I received my GC last October 2019. Interview Oct 8 and approved Oct 17, 10 months af...
That’s really nice. All the best. I’m in CT and my receipt date is July 19. Hopefully I will hear from them soon, I would really love to vote…..
My son's ROC application was approved today no interview. His receipt date is March 14, 2022. Good luck everyone!! CT101
GC received today.....
Got my approval letter today and notification that card mailed also!
My spouse and I signed my application which was sent July 2021 and I sent a waiver letter in November 2021. The Officer asked for my husband bec...
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