For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400My H4 & H4- EAD renewal applications were filed in August 2021 and still in process. Mean while I had to travel and got an H4 visa stamped i...
Create an ER and explain the situation. If possible get a doctors letter, they will adjudicate the process in a weeks time and return your passp...
did you see any update? Mine was received and changed to Admin Processing the same day. But no status for my wife. When I checked with Embassy t...
@Kawalpreet Kaur did you see any update? Mine was received and changed to Admin Processing the same day. But no status for my wife. When I check...
What visa class did you apply for and which consulate? I have been waiting for 6 weeks now sent to Ottawa Consulate yet no status.
Delivered on Nov 26th. No status as of today.
I am 5 weeks into this. Yet no status. Sent it to Ottawa on Nov 26th. Expect longer wait times.
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