For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hi- USCIS accepted my EB1C I 140 but rejected my AOS saying I am not current. But, we had requested EB2 priority date porting in the cover ...
Hi- How long is it taking to get receipt notices these days?
Hi, Under the current Covid situation, how is everyone arranging the birth certificate affidavit in India? What are the places to get the affid...
Hi I am a Canadian PR living in Toronto and attempted L1A blanket appointment on Jan 15. Here is my experience (excluding my spouses ...
Hi - how to get visa appointment dates in canada? Do I make the payment and then keep checking?
Hi- why do I have to wait for I 140 approval? EB1C doesn’t have premium processing
Hi - Any updates?
Waiting doesn’t help. You will have to keep trying all day. Easier on laptop. But also possible on smartphone.
Yes u should be able to. A few years back my wife was doing this process herself and somehow with all of her smartness and superiority of a spec...
Then how are u not seeing March 5 for Ottawa? Lol.. Hope the system is working well
I see march 5 in ottawa. are you signing in as resident of canada?
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