For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400I petitioned for my younger brother in year 2005. In April 2019 he got letter that petition filed has been approved. Meanwhile he submitted all ...
Hi, I am a U.S citizen and I filed I-130 petition for my father on May/01/2021. On same date I received acknowledgment letter from USCIS Texas c...
On Friday March 26th, 2021 I became U.S. citizen. Arrived for Oath at 07:30am. Oath was done by 08:30am. Everything was very smooth. Thank God t...
Can someone tell me please how long it takes for morning oath ceremony at USCIS office in Fairfax, VA?
So after I-751 successful interview on Monday 03/08/2021 the officer approved my case and subsequently, the very same day in evening my USCIS on...
Today I'd my combo interview of I-751 and N-400 at 06:40am. I took my spouse with me and upon check in I was told that I've to go alone ...
In June 2022, I got an email from NVC that all documentation, DS-260 form etc which I submitted online to them for my father (Applicant...
Yeah his petition got approved in June 2022 and now all documentation has been completed and approved also just waiting for interview to be sche...
I applied online on 03/27/2020.
My interview was on 03/08/2021 & my oath was held on 03/26/2021.
Thank you
Thank you
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