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chandrajp's Profile
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PIO card validity and online application form problem

Folks,    Over the last days, I was emailing, calling Consulates regarding PIO card validity after June 17th, 2015 since I'...

PIO has to convert to OCI before Jun 17th 2015

Dear friends,      The Ministry of Home Affairs again surprised us by saying that PIO cards are no longer valid after...

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Hello everyone. I reached Hyderabad, India on June 22nd. The immigration officer got surprised upon seeing PIO cards and tourist visas for my ch...

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Ok folks, I could not tolerate this dilemma of whether PIO card is valid or not after June 17th anymore. So, I applied visa for my 3 children&#x...

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Thanks Vinniemak for your comment. But as I said MHA, Embassy, Consulates(each consulate) are all interpreting the rules in their own ...

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Hi Meesund,     Thank you for sharing your experience. So, your experience is - the Port of Entry Immigration officials di...

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Vinniemak,    My situation is making me spend unnecessary money for OCI.     My son has PIO that was appr...

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Here is the link for OCI in lieu of PIO For those of you who want to apply OCI in lieu...

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