For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hello everyone I recently had my interview yesterday and was told that I passed it (civics test, reading and writing etc.) including a...
Good afternoon everyone, I have my pending 1-751 and applied for N400 last month November 18, 2022. Yesterday my status changed to “Interview wa...
Hello everyone, I am reading a lot of negative output regarding N400 interview with I-751 pending, some who had their combo interview ended...
Hello everyone, I am filing my N40 application, I want to ask how much is the filing fee, I am reading a lot and got confused. There is 725 and ...
Good morning everyone, I am a Michigan filer and my service center is Nebraska. I applied and submit my I-751Removal of Conditions: please...
I am from Michigan and Nebraska is my service center. I sent my I-751 package August 10, 2021 and USCIS received it on August 11, 2021. I receiv...
So it took 19 months for my I-751 to get approved but if I have to be honest my N-400 application helps the case get approved. And I was fortuna...
I know how you feel, but I would suggest you to call them so you will know what is the cause of the delay or if you applied online you can send ...
Yes, I did. I had interview on January 26, 2023 in Detroit office. And on Feb. my status online shows “Oath Ceremony Will Be Scheduled and did m...
Any updates from your case?
Did you get any updates on your oath?
Call them to see what is the reason of the delay. After your interview did the officer gave you a paper Form N-652 that says you passed and you ...
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