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ms009's Profile
Latest Experience
Question on L1B extension (blanket) USCIS Filing

Hi, Due to unavailability of slots for consulate interview, i am planning to go for USCIS filing for L1B extension. I am planning for prem...

L1-B (Blanket) Chennai - Approved

Hi, Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences it helped. I had my interview few days ago. My experience in order of occurrence: ...

What is the processing time for l1b

Hi. Can anybody please help me with the time between date of filing to date of interview? My company has just started with the internal proces...

Latest Replies
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As i mentioned, you have to specifically distinguish yourself from others who also have the same knowledge, by adding some knowledge of previous...

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Thanks. Congrats

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Hi , Can you tell me how much total years of exp and exp with the petitioner (company) do you have? Thanks

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What is your total experience and experience with this company?

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Thanks. However i have seen on immihelp people complaining about 6 months wait. Is it really to get an interview date?

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Hi when did you file for your l1b and how long did it take to get an interview date Thanks

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