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yashmexx's Profile
Latest Experience
Citizenship interview postponed just one day before the interview date because of I-751

Hi Guys, I am a little worried as my interview is now postponed as USCIS Albany is still waiting on my I-751 information. I got a phone call on ...

AOS through marriage to US citizen

First of many steps completed! Progress so far: Sent package with all forms i-130,131,765, 485, 693 on 18th Sep 2019 Text notification rec...

Latest Replies
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Congrats on getting approved on the spot. Did you receive your green card in hand yet? I had my interview on 17th and I was approved on the spot...

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which field office?

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Woah... I have exactly the same timeline like you. I am buffalo filer.

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Yay. Good news. May I know which app you are using for tracking?

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