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nitin-'s Profile
Latest Experience
L1B approved on 12 oct @Chennai consulate !

i owe major part of my success to this great forum.each and every experience which is shared in this forum has helped me a lot ! My OFC appoin...

L1B approved on 12 oct @Chennai consulate !

i owe major part of my success to this great forum.each and every experience which is shared in this forum has helped me a lot ! My OFC appoin...

I work on a E-V-C model. I am going for H1B to Delhi in Nov. Can anyone help with the following questions which VO are asking almost everyone. ...

greencard interview

on jan 3 uscis recieved documents and on jan 31 i went for finger prints.on march 19 2012 we had an interview in L.A office. officer approved ...

L1 blanket approved in Chennai

Hi All, My L1 blanket got approved today in Chennai. The VO asked too many questions, and was literraly trying to find a reason to reject...

Rediff sucks!

Hi I have oredered a mobile phone via rediff shopping. My mode of payment was credit card. After placing an order, I get an e-mail which says...

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