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L1, L2 Visa

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is experience ceritificate required from previous employer for L1B

Can any one telll me whether L1B processing requires previous employer ceritificates. If you dont have the previous employmnet certificate is there any alternative..whether the present employer can do any thing to help on this matter?
pls reply me..

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L1-B: Successfull stamping at Chennai consulate
Hi Guys,
       First I would like to say many many thanks for the moderator of this site. This site gave me lot of confidence.

In my case, my B1 was rejected 4 months back and this time i went for L1-B.

there was a young american lady at the counter:
After we greeted each other, she started questions:

1.Is ur B1-VISA got rejected last year? (I was totally upset since this was my very first question.)I said yes and kept quiet.

2. Wt is the purpose of ur trip?
going to work for project named 'ZZZ'
3. wt is the special skills do u have?
Told my spl skills
4.explain the project?
blah ... blah... blah...
5.tell abt ur client?
blah ... blah... blah...

after that the golden words 'Your VISA has been approved. You will be getting your passport in coupla of days'.

I thanked her and left the place.

Some important things i noticed:
1. Be well prepared
2. Listen the question first and then start answering.
3. Be specific and smart on your answers.
4. Dont get nervous.

Wish you all the best guys!!!
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L1 individual visa successful delhi consulate
Hi guys!!
   i went for a L1 b individual visa.The interview lasted for less than 3 minutes.After all the security process i was asked to stand in a priority line(its for BEP)then when my turn came long are you working for this comany? this an internal transfer?
3.what is your salary abroad?
4.have you ever visited USA?
thats it and done........

relax guys i felt nerves during the whole process...its quite natural so enjoy the tension.......just be confident
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L1 got approved; waiting for the passports
I went for L1B (Indiavidual)on 12th Feb along with my wife and daughter. Surprisingly no rush at Chennai. We were allowed to go before 30 minutes. As we had kid with us we were given priority at each counter.

Questions were simple only. He asked about
- My current role and what I will be doing in US
- About the client and project

This site is very helpful and gave me good confidence. My B1 was rejected 2 years back but I went thru this website when I was going for B2 second time and it helped me a lot. This time too I prepared all the question/answers from this website.

My only fear was we don't have marriage photographs and marriage registration. But luckly no questions on that front.

Wish you good luck to all.

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H1B on Jan 18 - 2007
I have attended the interview on Jan 18th.

They asked me:
1. US company employee wages report.
2. US Employee List
3. r u going to work in client place or company itself.
3. Client Acceptance Letter and
4. Degree Certificates

Subba Rao.
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January 18th - L1 Blanket
First i need to thank this site, which provides me immense input and to prepare for my PAI.
Mine is L1 Blanket visa type. My visa appointment date was January 18th at 12:00.
I was well in advance and stand in queue at 11:00. But i came to know that there no need to be so early because they allow candidates based only on their time slots. If you come 15 minutes in advance that is more than enough.

It was overcrowded and environment was so tense. After scrutinising my BEP document i was asked to another block where the interview takes.

Since for the L1B class all the verification takes place only on PAI date, it took more time to get our documents back.

I was guided to stand in one long queue to take my finger prints. I was clearly instructed from my company to take care of my both finger until the interview, because if a small peel in the finger they will reschedule our interview date.

Once i gave my finger prints i was asked to stand in another queue where the interview takes place.

In my case VO is very cool person. He asks me few questions like

1. How long your working in the current company?
2. What is a tenure of a project
3. What is your project? Why your company selected you to travel?
(He was very specific in this question, It took long time for me to convince him for this. For candidates appearing in blanket class need to possess some specific skill. It is always better to show some certification on what ever you have)

Finally he told that golden word 'Your visa has been approved, We will courier your passport to your office'

This is a quiete different experience in my professional life, Only technique to get through is Be cool, be smart on your answers.

All the very best!!!!!!!!!!
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Regd. L1B Interview

This is Shravan from Hyderabad. I am planning to go to Chennai Consulate in February for L1B stamping.

I was previously rejected student visa to UK in 2004 and my passport has a stamp (which has date and signature) in the second last page of my passport...

Will that effect in getting my L1B??? Please help...

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L1 Visa appointment on Jan11th
My appointment was at 2pm and joined the queue at 1.30pm.

After the finger prints has been taken,i was asked to stand in one Q for interview.Later they asked me to proceed to counter No:7.

The VO in this counter is in very serious mood and even don't have a smile in his face.

After the initial greetings,he has asked me the below questions.

1)What is ur role in present organization and US?
2)How long you have been with present organization?
3)What is the Onsite project description?
4)Asked for my offer letter/exp letter in present company?
5)He has verified my petition,covering letter...etc

So don't forget to take all the documents that supporting and relating you to the present organization.

All the best for future applicants.
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L1-B Visa
Hai all ….

First of all I would like to thank this website for all the valuable information it has provided.

I faced very few simple questions.

VO: What is your highest educational qualification?
Me: Bachellor of Computer Applications
VO: How long you are working with your current company?
Me: 2 years 4 months as Oracle DBA
VO: How long as Oracle DBA?
Me: 19 Months
VO: Where are u going to work in USA?
Me: In our Vienna office as Oracle DBA.
VO: Your visa has been approvied. You can go home.
Me: Thank you and Have a nice day.

All the Best.
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L1A approval
I had a very pleasant experience at Chennai U.S. Consulate this month (on 14 dec) when I went for my L1 stamping.

A brief history about me.. i have a 221(g) for b1 two years back and two 221(g) for h1 in last year from a different company.
this time it was for l1 so it was very crucial for me.

I reached there 45 mins before the appointment but they didnt allow to stand in the queue till 15 mins before the time.. it was a big line and took 45 mins to reach inside . once inside (after passport verification).

After all the formalities, I got my chance at the glass clounter.
The interviewer was very much into her work.

Me - Hi
VO- How long you have been with *** Company.
Me- one and half year.
VO- Which skills you are working
Me - No skills i am working in sales team as manager
VO- since when in this role.
Me - from day one
VO- who are the client.
Me - abc, xyz, rattled around 10 names in quick succession who i have been working on.
VO did a lot of typing and searching on her pc.. did some scribble on the sheet and gave me my docs back; i was terrified.
VO- Your visa has been approved your passport will be mailed to your office.
Me a bit surprised and shocked
Me - Thanks and have a nice day.

That was all!! It took just 2 mins at the counter.

In all, from reaching the consulate and coming out of the consulate, it took me around 2 hours max

To summarize, it was a very pleasant experience for me.
Thanks immihelp and all posters.
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