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PIO Card

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SFO PIO query
My PIO was submitted from ckgs to Sfo consulate on oct 28th. Has anyone received their PIO card who had submitted on or after oct 28th. I am travelling on Dec 3rd. really confused whether to wait or apply for visa.
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Just saw this....

SF Counsel General Parthasarathi has retired as of Nov 2, 2014. The new counsel general is expected to join soon. Hoping things will get rolling soon.

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PIO cards out-of-stock
This information is confirmed now. SFO consulate is out of PIO cards, which are shipped from India. They have no information on when they will arrive. I was suggested to try the visa route because our travel was scheduled for 11/29.

I personally spoke to an officer in the consulate on phone.

Not sure how long the visa process will take now.

Good Luck to all of you who had travel plans.
All Replies (10)
PIO Delays

Learned that we can make complaints to speedup the process with below link

Hope more complaints make the process smoother..
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SF PIO 10/31 Withdraw
I sent across my PIO withdraw application yesterday with overnight delivery for the Sna Francisco Consulate. Hopefully three working days will be counted from today. Anyone with experience of filling a withdraw?

I am hoping to get back passport before the end of the week, I will file for a same-day Urgent visa at the consulate. Anyone with experience on that please reply how was the experience.
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PIO @ Houston 10/24
Anyone who applied for PIO at Houston and their application being shown as send to Indian Embassy for further processing on or after 10/24/2014 got their application approved? Does anyone know what date processing is happening now?
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PIO @ SFO 10/31
I haven't seen much movement with the PIO card applications since 11/10 in San Francisco consulate. From other updates below looks like they might be delayed for quite some time.

I have travel plans on 11/28, I am planning to submit the withdraw form tomorrow and apply for urgent Visa next week. Does anyone have any prior experience with Urgent Visa at SF? Heard it is a one-day service, is that correct ? I need to get it back before thanksgiving break on 11/27.

When I applied looking at other applications I had a rough estimate that it will get approved in 3-4 weeks :( calculations going wrong with the apparently PIO cards being run out ..
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Pio@SFO on hold
Pio's applied at sfo are on hold for reasons best known to them. It's better to contact consulate than ckgs as they repeat the same msg tat it takes 4-6 weeks for processing. If anyone have travel plans soon better to withdraw the application and apply for visa.
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PIO @ SFO Administrative Issues at consulate
Another update to those who are being hopeful of a PIO card soon. SFO consulate is experiencing administrative issues and have no time-frame when they can issue PIO cards. The exact reason is not given, the hint was that they ran out of PIO cards to print. This is laughable to say the least but that is what the info provided.

They cannot meet their timeframe set 4~6 weeks. They say that it is a 'may' and is not guaranteed. They also suggested not to make travel plans till you get PIO card. Since travel is not an emergency, emergency VISA is out of the question and simply asked me to reschedule my trip which was due Nov 24th.

Calling CKGS won't help one bit. Consulate may give some info but nothing deviating from what I stated above.

Hope this information makes you better plan your travel. I am out of a lot of $$, international and domestic travel! If you have the time, apply for a VISA and steer away from PIO cards till the 'administrative issues' are resolved.

The last PIOs approved and delivered are as of 10-23/24. Some 10-24s and up are still pending as well. If you have any updates, please post.
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PIO Approved @ NY ~ 3 weeks
Finally got my daughter's PIO approved in approx 3 weeks-

Your application has been collected from the Embassy/Consulate and is being sorted. Your application will be ready for collection from our Application Centre within one business day. 11/14/2014
Your application has been submitted at The Indian Embassy/Consulate for further processing. 10/27/2014
Your application is in process. Your tracking id is USAN704ZZZ14 10/24/2014
Your application has been received and will be submitted subject to verification. 10/24/2014

All Replies (11)


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