Hello, I just wanted to share my experiences with everyone, I had my N-400 interview today in Philadelphia office, the officer was very nice, asked me where my husband was since I have a pending I-751 and I told her that he was waiting for me in the car since he was not allowed in the building cause the invitation letter cited only my name, she that’s fine, and continue with civic interview questions, name a brach of the government, what is an amendment, when we celebrate Independence Day, who veto the bills, and who was the president during ww1, the she made read and write “The president lives in the White House.” And ask me some yes and no questions from N-400, then she proceeded to I-751 ask me about my husband date of birth name our address, how we celebrated our latest anniversary, easy questions, she ask me if I have any new evidence, I brought new bills, bank account info, car ownership, car insurance, she made copies of them and then congratulated me, she said I pass the n-400 test but that she need to review I-751 and I will here from her 4-6 week and if everything ok she will recommend me for oath ceremony, but like 20 min after the interview I check my case online and I-751 was changed to new card being produced and my n-400 to oath ceremony will be scheduled, also I applied for citizenship in April ‘22 sorry for the long post I hope it help someone, good luck to all of you and thanks to this forum and all participants I found answers to all my questions here, way cheaper than a lawyer 😂