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Business Visa - B1

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Business visa(B/B2) - Relative in US
Hi ,

I have filed DS 160 and scheduled bio metric on 13th of Oct and Consulate on 28th Oct.

I have my elder brother working in US and he is been in US for around 4 years now and i have mentioned his details in DS 160.

Some one suggested it is not a good idea to mention about relatives in india .

can some one pls advise me if i have to resubmit the form or its ok to have the details of a relative in US.

Please revert back as early as i have very little time in case if i have to update DS 160
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B1 rejected twice, can I get it approved the third time?
I had been planning to visit a friend who is working in the united states. I applied for a B1 for the same. 10 days after I applied, my manager (Who is based in USA) asked me to come to USA for a business meeting. Since I had already applied for the visa, I decided to go ahead with the same application after consulting my corporate visa agent. My visa was rejected and my manager asked me to apply again. I did get an appointment 2 weeks after the first rejection , this time the application was for a business meeting. This too was rejected under 214(b). I had all the relevant documents in place, but the officer didnt check them. Is there a possibility to get it approved the third time? I wish to visit in June/July next year?
I am 26 years old, unmarried woman.
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B1 VISA Experience
My B1 VISA has been approved and this is what I feel after the interview

Your designation, monthly salary, how long you are working in the current company - these are the 3 major factors for approval. If all 3 are fair enough, you are going to get the VISA bit easier provided DS-160 should be filled accurately and answer confidently with eye contact. Check out docs and YouTube for mistakes on ds-160 and assistance for filling it if needed. Dress code should just be decent

If the above 3 are not up to the mark (like smaller designation, low salary, less experience in current company), then Interview is the major factor. Just be prepared for below regular questions advised by everyone here to answer confidently:

purpose of visit? Why you are chosen? Why ** weeks? Why can't you do it from here?
All Replies (4)
B1/B2 Visa approved at Toronto consulate, passport delayed
I had my B1 consular interview on 26th September 2019 in Toronto. I was told by the VO that my visa was approved, and I will receive my passport back. It's been 7 business days since the interview, but I haven't heard back on my passport. The status shows that it's currently under "administrative processing". I emailed the consulate, but received a very brief response stating that my application is being processed. Anyone had a similar experience? Any response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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B1 Visa Approved during second time (Hyd)
First of all I would like to thank every member on this website. It was really helpful to go through experiences you guys had shared. So I am here to provide some input which could be helpful for other applicants.

1. DS-160 form is the key, Go through each and every section number of times and memorize key things.
Like - Duration of stay with anticipated dates, Places to visit, Do you know anyone in US etc.
Because your selection is based on it. Take a print of completely filled DS-160 form because you wont be able to see the details once the form is submitted.

2. In case of any doubt, you can fill the ds-160 form again even if you have made the payment. You just need to link new application id on the payment website under 'update profile;.

3. I still think your experience with current company is important. It should be around 2 years or more to convince the consular that you are really important guy to the company who can attend meetings and take decisions.

4. Salary per month - should be around 1 lac or so.

5. Eye contact (even though they are not making) - is important. Just look straight with full confidence.

6. Do not brag or provide additional information. Just answer what is asked. Like - why you are going?
Answer : To attend business meetings. That's it.

7. Purpose of visit. Short and informative. Do not speak a paragraph with many technical words. It should be in a way that they are able to understand the reason.

8. Duration of Stay : If possible make it around 1 week. It would allow them to dig into more if you wish to attend meetings for more than 2 weeks. Like why you need so much time there ?

9. Your position in current company : Preferably Manager, AM, Director, etc. Higher position and good salary makes it bit easy to convince them.

I cracked my interview during my second attempt. I made some blunders during my first attempt. I didn't apply immediately. I waited for 2 years. I got a raise and promotion.

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B1 Visa Interview at Chennai Consulate
I had my B1 Visa interview in Chennai Consulate on 30 September (Monday). Had a rejection in 2013 in the same Visa category, so was a bit nervous this time.

(Good Morning Mam)
VO - Good Morning, May I have your passport?

VO - So where are you travelling in US?
(Mam, its Wisconsin)

VO - What's the duration of your stay?
(2 Weeks Mam)
VO - What is the purpose of your visit?
(My company is migrating the corporate website for the client into a new platform, so I am going to meet the Line of Business executives to understand their expectations and requirements.

VO - How long you are associated with current company? What is it.. (my company name)..!! ?
(I am currently working as Technical Lead for almost 1.6 years)

VO - Why did the company chose only you for the travel?
(I am having the technical expertise and good amount of experience in platform upon which the project is to be developed)

VO - Did you visited any other country apart from India?
(Yes, Cape Town, South Africa)

VO - Was it through (my current company)?
(No Mam, previous company)

VO - How long did you stay in South Africa?
(For 1.5 years)

VO - What is your annual salary?
(told my salary. Told in Million Rupees, she asked in Lakhs..LOL)

VO - Where did you worked prior to your current company?
(XX in Bangalore)

VO - Can you please spell it?

No Invite letter asked, no documents asked.

Your Visa is approved. You may receive a message to collect it.(Have a good day Mam)
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US VISA B1/B2 Denial
I had my VISA interview on 6th Sept 2019 in Delhi.

I was asked about why i need to go to US ?
TO attend Business Meetings & Project related Discussions
What was my engagement with US People ? What was your role ?
I explained i am the Analytics guy in the Project where i shall discuss about the Analytics deliverables with the Business Stakeholders in supporting the Business of my Company
What is your designation ?
Analyst in Pharma YYYY company

Sorry We cannot send you now ?
A letter with Section 214 B written

My profile : 28 years, unmarried , earns 11 lpa

Now second interview scheduled 1 month afterwords in Hyderabad, now how should i go about it ? pls advise
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B1 Visa Chennai
I was rejected.

First day only biometric take ds160 confirmation, appointment confirmation and passport and you can take your mobile phone but keep it switched off.

Second day take ds160 confirmation, appointment confirmation and passport with you along with all supporting original and copy of documents with you and you can take mobile with you there is place to keep it. Here it goes:

VO: good morning

me: good morning ma'am

VO: purpose of your visit to us?

me: there is a new requirement coming up from business so going there to discuss it with my client and my onsite lead. i will be discussing and coming back to do the implementation with offshore team.

VO: what are your new requirements?

me: new requirements are about the new feature which we are going to add like on board service manual for first class and main cabin, countdown clock.

VO: have you travelled for your company before?

me: no ma'am

Vo: why company have chosen you?

me: i am working on this project for past 1 year and have a good knowledge of it.

vo: have you meet your client?

me: yes once when they visited india

vo: experience?

me: 1.2 years

vo: salary?

me: 3.35lpa

vo: your visa cannot be approved sir. thank you

me: thank you
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B1 visa experience
My B1 was approved today.
I had a L1A rejection 3 years back. I work for the same company for the last 7 yrs.

I didnt want to post the Q&A with my visa officer like others. However here are the things I learnt from my previous rejection

- Keep it Simple: Do not add any other things when you meet the officer that you are not aware of. You have to first believe yourself and things you do in your company. Keep it simple and straight
- Keep calm. Visa interviews are always nerve recking. I warmed up my conversations with Auto driver while going to US consulate. That helped me to calm down my nerves.
- Do not over prepare. If you give the correct information, you know what to say to officer.
- Be confident at the same time polite
- Smile
- Be loud when you talk to the officer
- Do not worry about previous rejections, each case will be a new case
- Do not worry if someone gets rejected in front. Their case is entirely different than yours.
- Be clear on your roles and what you are going to do in US.

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Need help for B1 visa
I have my B1 visa interview schedule in next month .
I decided to get help from you guys .
Below are the question for which k am not sure. If I am giving the right answer.

VO- what is the purpose to visit USA
My reply/ Purpose of travel is to attend business meetings and discussions on abc project with our business partners which will help to streamline there financial process . This is the reason I am going to meet with client and business leader to get an understanding of project, do requirements gathering and discussion about project scope. And then come back and discuss with my team to how to proceeds further.

VO- Why company chosen you not another?

My reply- I have been working in this company for 2 year and the project is related to my domain so I know the interlocks of module quite well. I have recently got an award for work I am doing. Currently I lead a team of two people. Business think it is better if I attend this meeting and share my inputs so it will help to complete this project as soon.

VO- why not managers go in your place? Why you

My reply- as I said earlier because of my long time associate with the company , I know the model quite well. My manager is new to the company and he is going through transition phase. My directors, by looking my performance so far think I can accomplish this job of understanding to priorities of business well and then I can get my team implement them upon my returning .

ViO- why it can not done online or why it can not possible from here.

My reply- the team in america participated in online programme, they physically came to my company and the last stage of implementation include travel from my side to go learn it before it goes live.

Please assist me and if you think I should make any changes so please let me know
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