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Business Visa - B1

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B1 Interview Experiences
Attended B1 interview at Chennai Location on 22nd Aug 2019.

A big Thank you for all the contributors by adding their valuable experiences.

My learnings:
1. VOs not interested to see any documents for B1.
2. In comparison with the struggles outside the consulate, inside is much better. (Maybe only for my day of interview)
3. You can re-submit your DS-160 any number of times till the date of Biometric, provided the new DS-160 confirmation updated in ustraveldocs profile.
4. VOs are genuine, helpful if our case is genuine. I was little nervous initially, but the VO was very patient and co-operative.
5. Read and understand our DS-160 carefully. All queries will be based on DS-160 form only.

The conversation with VO below:

VO: GM, How r U?
Me: Im good, Hope u are doing well, Thank You.
VO: Purpose of Travel.<Looking at the screen>
Me: The purpose is to audit a supplier facility, from where our company want to start business.
VO: What sort of materials do you procure from US? <Looking at me>
Me: Excipients for Pharmaceutical formulations.
VO: Looking at the computer, you don't have any relatives in US and you want to stay for a week.
Me: Yes, i don't have.
VO: Whats your role in your company?
Me: I am handling vendors and supplier of our company. Basically engaged in identification, evaluation and selection of vendors.
VO: Annual Income?
Me: 13L per annum
(Still not looking at me....Keep on typing)
Handed over a slip to me....Smiled at me...Have a great trip to US.

My Background:
10 years of experience, No travel history, average package.

All the very best to one and all waiting for interview.
All Replies (1)
B1 Chennai success
Except invitation letter I don't think VO interested in other documents.
VO: Passport
Me: Hi, GM and gave passport
VO: Purpose of travel
Me: To attend xxxxx conference hosted by yyyy in zzzx.I was adding more info but VO asked next question.
VO:Role and responsibilities
Me: Explained
VO: who is funding... I didn't hear question properly ... She try to explain 3 times ..
Me: My company . Shown documents.
VO: Salary
Me: 2x lakhs per annum
VO: typing for 2 minutes .. silence, then .. your visa approved
Me: thanks

My observations
1) ask to repeat question if you don't understand. VO try to explain
2) prepare for following questions
2.1) purpose of travel
2.2) Role and responsibilities
2.3) why company sending you? Why not others
2.4)how this trip useful for your project.
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B1 Visa got rejected in Chennai
The interviewer asked me the below questions:

VO:What is my Purpose of travel ?
me:I said business meeting and training

VO:How long I will be there?
Me: I said 19 days

VO: Have you been outside india before?
Me: I said No

VO:Where you will be in US?
Me: I said Houston.

VO: Which Company I work?
Me: XYZ Company

VO: How much is your Annual CTC in INR?
Me: 4.20 L

Then she said finally, Sorry unfortunately your visa is not approved.
They even didn't asked for any other documents or welcome letter .
They have returned my passport.

Can you suggest me anything as I am planning to attend again after few months. What should I say this time to get my Visa Approved.

Please advise.
All Replies (2)
B1 Visa - Chennai Chance of Acceptance
Hi ,

I have my US B1 Visa interview scheduled on September 9th at Chennai Consulate. I am working as a senior software developer in a software company, going to US to have a business meeting with our product and legal team. What is the chance that the visa will get approved.
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I visited Chennai consulate today for B1, below are the learnings

1) You can carry mobile phone if you dont have an option to leave it, outside the consulate, police personnel collect the phone or any other electronic item and hand over a token number to you. You can show the token once done and get your things back. Pretty Simple.

1)Common Myths.
Wear formals for interview as you need to look like a business person.
I disagree - The VO sees only half of you from where he speaks. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.
Obviously, don't wear something outrageous,

One person, wearing blazer, went in front of me and was rejected.

2) VOs are too strict.
I found them to be quite genuine and helpful, not only with my case, I observed in other counters as well, that they were actually trying to understand the purpose of visit.
One should try avoiding cooked up stories, be confident of your purpose of travel and respond not like
you are at their mercy.
If they get doubt about your purpose of visit, they do ask you to explain.
And if they still feel something is sounding fake or cooked up, they reject

My interview

VO: Gm, How are you doing.
Me: Gm, Am doing good, thank you! How are you today

VO: I am good, may I have your passport
Me: Sure

VO: Why do you want to visit US
Me: Our dept has arranged for a discussion involving business IT and architects for an proposed solution in Dearborn, this meeting will be a collaborative meeting with various vendors and the company's stakeholders.

VO: Types something, not saying anything

VO: After 1 minute of typing, Sir your VISA is approved. Thank you
Me: Thank you

That's it!!

This was my first US VISA attempt, may be I was lucky I got thru easily. But folks, dont get too stressed up about the consulate interview, it's a bit hyped for sure.

You only need to worry if your case isn't genuine.

Good Luck everyone!

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Location Preference for B1 Visa Interview in India
Which location is better for B1 Visa Interview in terms of approval ratio? Hyderabad or Chennai?
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B1 visa interview in 2 days. Need suggestion !!! Urgent!
HI all,
I have my B1 visa interview scheduled in 2 days and i myself prepared a questionnaire reg the same.
Kindly find below and please correct/add me for any additional information if i need to say precise on something or provide more details anywhere.

My other details :
Exp : 9 years , Married , Kid , Visited Uk and Europe earlier.

Purpose of visit :
I am visiting YYYY client office at Boston, Massachusetts and shall be attending business meetings to understand the future business requirement related to our Digital project.

Place :
YYYY , Boston

Client name :

Purpose of meeting :
Mostly the discussion will one the road maps of digital project as we are planning to introduce a new development strategy. Also we are planning to migrate our application to cloud platform . So our major discussions and meeting will be on the understanding of business requirements.

Why can't the meetings be online ?
The initial discussion happened over the call , but now my client wants me to be a part of business meetings as there are multiple vendors involved.
Also my physical presence over there would have better impact and it will be an opportunity to get interacted with clients more closely.

Will the stay extend ?
We have planned agenda for 2 weeks in such a way that we shall be covering everything in specific amt of time , so i dont think there will be a need for me to stay back there.

Hotel name :

Designation :
I'm Lead technical consultant and i'm handling a team of 20 member. I'm responsible for the project deliverable from the offshore team.
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My B1 visa rejected second time today at chennai
today i had a interview in chennai but b1 visa got refused again.

vo: which company your currently working for?
me : xyz company

vo : what is your designation?
me : i told vo about my current role with the organisation(parent company)

vo: what is the role?
me: i told about my role with the client. Business meeting with the new leaders my client xyz companx has been acquired by xyy company. my visit is to understand the suppot structure and application landscape which is supported in the xyy. once i am back to india we start supporting thr new client.

vo:what is your salary per annum?
me : 10 lakhs 70 thousand.

vo : how many weeks?
me :2 weeks

vo : sorry 214(b) has been issued better luck next time
me : thank you sir.

i dont know what is the issue for the refusal.

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Seeking for suggestions 🙏
Dear friends,
I have been rejected twice for US visa this year 1- for a conference (Feb)and another as a tourist(June),I am again applying for tourist visa this December , will it be a problem trying thrice in a year ?
I have done my earlier interviews in different places and again upcoming will be in Thailand , this is because I make appointments coinciding with my meetings.
I owns a travel agent and my yearly turnover is 8M. Is it less or ?
I believe my last rejection was based on my yearly turn over . As soon as I told my company turn over the VO directly said sorry .what could be the reason . I have only mother and 2 years old daughter whom I have to look after back home so there is no point staying in US and also a very good running company where I earn good enough .

Your support is highly appreciated

Best Wishes 🙏🙏🙏
All Replies (2)
VISA Rejected :: Kolkota
I got my application rejected: Can any one suggest what went wrong here?

VO: Asked for the passport
VO: Purpose of the visit
Me: Business meeting, I will be meeting my manager and colleagues in US. I also do have an internal project User Acceptance Testing happening during the week and peoples from different locations will be join this session. Would you like to see the agenda?
VO: no its fine
VO: Duration of the visit
Me: Two weeks
VO: Salary
Me: 12 L
VO: Desigantion
Me: I said Manager and have a team reporting to me
VO: Can you explain the purpose again?
Me: Explained
VO: Sorry .......
All Replies (5)


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