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L1, L2 Visa

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L1 visa
Hi.. Do 240 day rule applies if my L1 A visa is expired and I have filed for recapture L1 A extension?
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L1A Individual Visa Petition
My attorney has asked me to answer the following 2 questions for preparing the Visa petition. Ideally once my visa is approved, one of my subordinates will take up my position in India and will be managing the projects. But the employee is not identified yet and based on the conditions at that time, my organization might need to hire someone to fill the position.

Do I need to give a specific name as an answer to the question?

1. Who will be managing the subordinate employees in the absence of the Beneficiary?
2. How will the Beneficiary’s duties will be covered during his period away from the foreign company?
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L1B Blanket at Chennai
Thanks to each and everyone who have provided every detail and shared their experiences which helped us a lot to prepare and face the interview.

Interview scheduled at 8:00 AM
On the day of interview we have reached by 7:30 and there were 10 people in the line.
Around 7:50 we were allowed into the consulate.

Things to carry ( Visa appointment, Passports, Visa documents, Stamped DS-160, Other necessary documents according to your Visa )

Things to avoid ( All electronic items, Watches(digital/analog), Wallets, Keys, Sanitizers, Water bottles,etc)

As we have applied for L1B Blanket we were asked to prepare Primary applicant DS-160 & 2 sets of (I-129s,I-797) before entering into the building.

We were asked to pay the $500 for fruad verification charges.

At 8:20 we were asked to step into the interview line.

VO: Good Morning, How are you doing today.
We: We are doing good, Hope you are doing well.
VO: Can I see your passports
We: Sure, here are our passports.
VO: What Visa you are applying for
We: L1B Blanket
VO: Can I see your petition Papers.
We: Handed over the papers.
VO: Do you have a Visa.
We: I had L1B Visa previously.
VO: Have you been to US & How long did you stay
We: xxxx
VO: So for which company you are working for and how long
We: xxxx & xx years
VO: So which Visa you are applying L1A or L1B
we: L1B
VO: Are you applying the Visa on specialized knowledge, Could you explain on it.
we: Explained in 2-3 lines
VO: Okay, How about you Mam , How long you were married
we: xx years
VO: What is your Highest qualification
we: xxx
VO: Have you been to US along with him
we: yes
VO: Sir, Could you please place your Right hand four fingures.
we: Sure
VO: Now Mam, Could you place your left hand four fingures.
We: Sure
VO have Stamped our Visa papers and said you will recieve the passports within a week.
VO: Have a great time in US.
We: Thank you, Have a great day ahead.

Last but not least, Thank you IMMIHELP for providing such a wonderful platform with all details and to share our experiences.
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L1A indivvidual petition approved
Hi Friends

Need your help and guidance. I am having valid L1A individual petition valid until Feb 2023. Due to Covid restrictions i didnt get a slot for VISA stamping.

1) Want to know what happens if i dont get a visa slot at all for next four months. Do i have to file extension with my valid visa petition or it will be a new petition again?
2) Is there visa interview happening for L1A individual?

Please help
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Query - L1/L2 visa appointment at US Consulate-Chennai

I am not sharing any experience instead I am seeking help to resolve following queries.

1. Once I complete DS-160 form, for how long time is it valid?
2. Is US consulate chennai open?
3. I have observed multiple experiences shared on this website who had attended the L1/L2 visa interview in Dec'21 & Jan'22, but no one had share any evidence of such event. Parden me to ask for an evidence, but my immigration team is saying that US consulate Chennai is not open yet. Can anyone please share an evidence that he/she had really attended(will attend) the interview in Dec'21 & Jan-Feb'22.

Kindly help me on this queries.

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L1B blanket at Chennai
Thanks to all who have shared the experiences which was helped me a lot to prepare
We have L1 B blanket + 2 Dependent L2 visa interview at Chennai consulate
Biometric scheduled at 8:30 AM and we reached there at 8:15AM, process was very smooth we carried the passport & photos of my daughter as below 14 years kids not mandatory to be present there.
On next day Visa interview at 10:30 AM,
- We reached at 10:15AM security person checked the appointment confirmation and allowed to enter
- After security check we reached inside where we (L1 blanket applicants) were asked to skip the line and directly proceed to interview hall and sit.
- After 2 min there lady attendant asked me to go and pay $500 visa fraud protection fees and come back (my wife still sitting there). I paid the fees by DD
- After paying fees I had to wait for 5 min and then asked to go and stand near to window where interview was on going and proceed once finishes earlier one

Me and wife to VO - Good morning sir
VO - Very good morning and place your right hand 4 fingers on machine (I have confirmed with my right hand 4 fingers)
VO to my wife - Place your left hand 4 fingers on machine and press hard ... press harder to break the machine and he asked to my wife -Did you break the machine?
VO to my wife - Do you have US visa
Wife - No
VO - oh this is your first time
Wife - Yes officer
These simple conversation between my wife and VO gave me a time to relax and adjusting the environment to get more confidence
VO to Me - Are you working in ABC
Me - Yes
VO - Do you have US visa?
Me - Yes B1/B2
VO - Highest education
Me - answered
VO - applying for which VISA?
Me- L1B blanket
VO - How long you have been working with ABC?
me - X years (VO said very good)
VO - Total experience
Me - XV years
VO - What is your Designation
Me - Answered current and in US both
VO - Work location in US
Me - Answered (Petitioner's office)
VO - Salary
Me - Answered (>100K)
VO- Which US visa do you have
me - B1/B2
VO - What is your specialization?
Me- answered in 2-3 sentences

VO then looking at screen and typing on screen and finally said your visa is approved and will get passport at your delivery location.
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L2 spouse - updated i94
Has anyone recently entered the US as L2 Spouse with the updated i94 that allows work authorization ? USCIS website was last updated in November, so wondering if anything has changed since then.
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Is L2 EAD 180 days auto extension as per new USCIS policy since Nov 2021 implemented?
We hold the following visa and its current status:
L1/L2 - Applied for extension/renewal in June 2021. Currently with USCIS.
L2 EAD : Expiry date Feb 2022
i94: Expiry date Feb 2022.
EAD Category Code : A18 ( Based on being an L2 spouse of an L1 nonimmigrant )

Once we receive our L1/L2 renewal/extension ( hopefully before our i94 expires) , I am planning to apply for L2 EAD renewal immediately.
As per the new rule about L2 EAD 180 days auto extension, can I continue to work with the L2 EAD receipt notice and get 180 days extension?

What if it gets delayed and get our L1/L2 extension after our i94 expiry date , Can I still be able to get the 180 days auto extension with the L2 EAD receipt when filed?
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L1B Blanket Visa Interview
Attended L1B Blanket Visa Interview in Chennai on 6th Jan.

I was allowed to enter around 45 mins before my appointment time. At the front, they have a board that says which time slot they are allowing now.

When I entered they asked to arrange 2 sets of my I129+I797, DS160, and My Passport.
He took everything and put a rubber band around it and gave it back to me. I did not bring DD. I paid by card (BTW I also had cash with me just in case the card did not work. Also make sure you have enabled international transactions on your card else it won't go through). I also saw one ATM inside which I think you can use to withdraw cash.

After that, I was directly asked to go inside.
After a while, my turn came and the visa officer asked me for my documents. He returned my copy of the MRV receipt (which they attach to your DS-160 after paying the Fraud detection fee) and then scanned my passport.

He directly asked me if I am going to work for Nutanix. To which, I answered yes.
He asked about the Job location.
He asked about my salary.
Asked my highest education -> I said Bachelor of Technology and he asked In? to which I replied Computer Science and Engineering.
He asked how long I have been working with Nutanix and then asked me my total experience.

At last, he asked me what is my specialization to which I started replying but in middle, he started replying to someone else inside so I got confused and stopped talking. (Maybe I should have kept talking here.)
He looked at me since I stopped and then asked me to repeat myself.
I replied in 2-3 sentences about my specialization.

He typed something for 20-30 seconds on his computer and said my Visa is approved and returned me one set of stamped I129s.

Hope this helps.
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L1A Blanket Interview

Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask a question. I kept seeing VAC appointment availability but have been struggling to find a consular interviews in January/February. Yesterday I saw an opening in October 2022 and booked it. Are my only options now to go for an emergency request, cancel the appointment or wait till October'22?
Even with the new announcement L1 Blanket does not seem to be exempted from an in person interview, any ideas if more interviews might be available in January or February and if the system will allow me to reschedule?

Any help is greatly appreciated

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