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L1, L2 Visa

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Blanket L1-B Visa during COVID times
Describing my L1- B Visa interview experience in Chennai

The bio metrics appointment goes smooth. Just carry the required documents, they will attach a bar code to your passport, which will be scanned in the embassy.
- No inteview questions will be asked, just your name and date of birth for confirmation.

Interview experience:
- Waited in the queue outside the embassy for a really long time(1 - 1.5Hr). My appointment was at 10, I went in at 11:00
- Only half the booths inside were operating, hence the slow movement of the queue
- Once you enter, you will be guided at every turn, what to do, how to do etc.. (this goes smooth)

First you will be guided to the officer who will collect the - DD in the name of "U.S CONSULATE GENERAL CHENNAI" for L1 Fraud prevention fee of 500$ [paid in Rupees]

Then you move to the interview officer
(After handing over the documents to them -
 1. Three copies of 1-129,
 2. Three copies of L1 petition,
 3. Passport
 4. DS-160 confirmation)

Questions asked:

1. Which company ?
2. How long have you been working in the current team ?
3. Describe your work ?
4. So what changed now, why do you have to go there ? (Be confident when you give this answer)
5. What is your salary in U.S ?
6. How is your team distributed globally ?

(--- after checking some stuff on his PC ---)

Congratulations you Visa is approved

He kept one of the copies of 1-129 and L1 - petition and my Passport returend me the two copies after stamping them approved.

Overall, the process was smooth and the interview took ~5mins.
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L1A Individual @Mumbai
Fresh L1A- Individual, Mumbai - 17 March 2021

Background: 5 years already spent in US from 2014 to 2019 on L1B
Location: Mumbai
Biometrics: 16th March 2021: 10:30 AM, completed in 20 minutes
Consular Appointment: 17th March 2021: 11:20 AM.
VO: Hey so we have Family here. Good Morning Family
We: Good Morning officer
VO: Pass on your passport and i797
I: Passed passport and orignal i797

Question 1
Have you ever been to USA ?
Answer 1
Question 2
were you on the similar visa earlier also?
Answer 2
No, last time I was on L1B and this time its L1A-Individual

Question 3
From how many years you are with petitioner ?

Answer 3
From last 10.9 years but however overall I have 14.9 yrs of IT experience

Question 4
Have you ever left this company?

Answer 4

Question 5
Again same question, was their any gap in your experience from Abc ?

Answer 5

Question 6
Which Location you are going ?

Answer 6
SanJose, California

Question 7
Where were you in your previous assignment in US ?

Answer 7
Same location Sanjose, California

Question 8
so you have same client for these many year?

Answer 8
Yes I have same client from these many years but my project within xyz keep on changing.

Question 9
To whom you gona report in USA ?

Answer 9
My BRM Aaaa

Question 10
Who will report to you, What is your hierarchy ?

Answer 10
My Team 10 at onsite 2 offshore

Question 11
Where will you sit at client side or in abc ?
Answer 11
Ill be sitting at xyz office but at abc dedicated space.

Question 12
Do you have hire and fire authority ?

Answer 12
Yes I have hire authority for firing we have certain process where we need to involve HR into it.

VO greet us in a very good way but after that he was serious while asking questions. I think key point here is be confident  and loud your voice should reach out to them. Because of mask its more tough to communicate so VO must able to listen your answer. Last but not least wear business  suit and formal attitude :)
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Indian national Canadian resident - L/H visa stamping experience in India (Mar 2021)
Is there anyone who is an Indian national and Canadian resident try to get L/H visa stamping recently (Mar 2021) in India? Can you please share your experience - any issue getting appointment? Any issue in getting the stamping?
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L1B - Blanket Visa Renewal
This forum has helped me extremely with all my questions to date. I wanted to share my experience with the L1B blanket extension.

Location: Chennai US consulate


VAC date: March 7th, 2021
Interview date: March 8th, 2021 morning 9 am- Visa approved
Visa application status:
    # March 8th evening - Refused( This is normal don't panic)
    #March 9th morning- Administrative processing
    #March 10th Afternoon - Issued
    #March 11th - Picked up my passport

Experience -

1. VAC Biometrics - This was simple. Be on time, they will let you in 10-15 min before your appointment. They will check your temperature and ask you to sanitize your hand. Will Call you to confirm your documents.
 Documents required- Appointment confirmation + DS160 form +Orginal passport.
Will send you inside for biometric- Ask you to sanitize and give them documents. Photo capture and fingerprint capture are done and they will stamp your DS 160 and put a sticker on your passport.

2. Interview: Reached 30 min before the appointment. They let you in 30 min before your appointment time. Will send you in and slowly you will move in the queue towards the consular. Everywhere there are circles to stand 6 feet apart.

The consular person asked if I am an L1B applicant and checked my documents (I-797, 1-129S, and DS-160). They asked me to pay my Fraud protection fee of 500$. I paid that using my US credit card. They stamp and give you a receipt. Take it and another person will tell you to wait and send you once the counter is available.

Once my chance came I went and greeted the consular. She asked for my documents(I-797, 1-129S, and DS-160) I gave her all of them. She as me the following questions:

a. Are you a fresh applicant OR renewal?
b. When was the last time you were in US ?
c. Are you married?
d. Were you in US in June 2020?
e. Which company do you work for ?
f. What my company does ?
g. What my roles and responsibility are?
h. What is my specialization and why cant it be done by someone else ?
i. What my client name is ?
j. My location in US ?
k. How many years did i work for the current company ?
l. If i call your client now how would they describe my work for them ? - I was a bit taken aback on this but I knew my client's feedback :)

Overall experience - She wanted to know each and everything about my specialization and if I still hold same level of role to approve the renewal. Keep your answer short, crisp yet descriptive enough for a layman to understand. They are really friendly and interested to know your work and you.

All the best :)
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Entering US on approved L1 / H1 visa?

I recently had my L1 / H1 visa approved at a US consulate and I am planning on traveling to Los Angeles in the next week or two (before the proclamation ends). My company is a member of the CoC, hence my visa was approved.

Would I have any issues traveling to the US before the proclamation ends? Or would I have no issues traveling as I have a valid visa?

Please share your experience of recent travel.

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L1A Individual Experience

Please share any of your recent L1A Individual interview experiences. Thank you in advance
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L1A Individual - Chennai
Hello Everyone,

Firstly, a huge thanks to the forum members for their help and support all thru thus far, which has helped me to prepare and finally have my L1A individual visa approved.
Here is my detailed experience on the VAC and the interview process - I went solo.

17 Feb, 2021 - VAC appointment:
- Reached the VAC center about 30 minutes prior with all my documents. Documents included were the appointment confirmation page, DS, 160, Original & a copy of i797, stamping packes.
- I was sent inside the building 15 minutes prior to the appointment time.
- Though mobile phones can be carried in switch off mode, once cannot carry their smart watch even if it is turned off. I had to take a locker in the ground floor and deposited it along with my watch, wallet etc., as i thought of making use of what i pay (INR 50) :P
- The VAC officer in the counter greeted me and took my passport, DS 160, appointment confirmation letter.
- After verification, she asked me for my i797 and i produced it - After verification, I was sent inside the other room where the biometrics are collected.
- I was called immediately to my allocated counter as there was no much rush when I went there.
- First it started with the fingerprint - Due to the COVID-19 guidelines, they asked me to wipe the scanner once before the fingerprint scan was done - This was done and once completed, I wiped the scanner again for others safety, sanitized my hand and took the photograph.
- The entire process took about 5 minutes and I was outside in less than 20 minutes.

18 Feb, 2021: Consular Interview AKA D-Day:
- My appointment was at 8 AM and I reached there by 7:20 AM. Usually everyone suggests to be there almost on time to avoid the wait but I took a cue from my previous B1 interview and went there a bit earlier. The advantage was to stay relaxed and see people and kids who would make some adorable things which may soothe one's mind. This also gives you an opportunity to go thru your documents for one last time in peace.
- We were called to the entrance by around 7:50 AM and due to the COVID-19 safety measures, the queue seemed like huge since social distancing was in place but there were hardly 15-20 people.
- Without much adieu, finished the security check and we were made to wait in the hall, again with a socially distanced manner. After about 2-3 minutes of waiting, the people were asked to proceed towards the main entrance.
- Again there was a queue but we were made to stand in a socially distanced manner in the ramp and in hardly about 10 minutes entered the main building.
- I seemed like the only one for an L1A or work related visa. All the others seemed like visiting parents or spouses or business people - I was the fourth in the line inside the embassy and the queue manager from a distance, gestured me to come in the front and I was wondering if he was calling me and gestured if it was me and he reconfirmed.
- Once i started to walk front, he gestured me to a counter in the side and this moment made me nervous because the person returning had a green/ blueish green notice in his hand - I was wondering if it was a 221g and cursed that guy for sending me to a counter which I was nervous about - LOL, I was wrong (I will be told at the end). Reached the counter and here is how it went:

Me: Good Morning Officer.
VO: Very good morning sir (with a nice smile)
VO: Can i have your passport please?
Me: Sure officer (And slipped my passport inside the counter).
VO scanned the passport
VO: So, you are here for a L1A?
Me: Yes officer
<VO starts typing in the keyboard>
VO: You work for ABC? I'm curious what does ABC stand for?
Me: Told the expansion
VO: Ah ok (we both had a bit of laughter).
VO: Are you travelling solo?
Me: Yes officer, i'm travelling solo.
VO: (After looking at my B1) So you have travelled to the US before - Where did you go?
Me: Answered
VO: And where are you travelling to the US now?
Me: Answered (same location)
VO: Ah ok, same location.
VO: What is your designation? I see you are a manager - ZZZ. Let me guess: YYYY stands for xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Me: (With a smile and a sense of friendly notion) - No exactly, it is xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx. You are almost right.
<We had a crack of laughter, VO Continues typing with a smile again and her smile disappears>
VO: I am getting some issue on my system. Please wait for few minutes and I will be back.
Me: Sure officer (With a confident thumbs up gesture).
<VO left the counter and was talking to someone and checking on their system - this was a nervous period for me as i was not sure of what was happening>
VO: Sorry about that.
Me: Not a problem officer (Again with a smile behind the mask and a thumbs up gesture).
<VO continues to type and save something and finally it was all good and her smile returned>
VO: What is your salary in the US?
Me: 1ZZZ00 dollars
VO: What is your intended duration of the stay.
Me: 3 years
VO: Ok, please place your left palm on the scanner (The moment i had a sigh of relief).
Me: Sure (Officer finished scanning).
VO: Your visa is approved and passed over the green notice stating that the visa was approved.
Me: Thank you officer - Have a good day.
VO: You too, have a nice day.

I came outside the main building, took a breath of fresh air and that feel of - Yaaay, I got my Visa made me a bit emotional.

19 & 20 Feb, 2021 - Administrative Processing.
21 Feb, 2021 - Issued
23 Feb, 2021 - Received the passport

You can read more about my journey at
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Query on documents for L1 A individual
I have my interview next week with family. My son is about 5 years old. What additional documents do I need for him ? Do I need to carry a photograph for him? If yes? What are the specs ?

I am assuming for me and my spouse, photograph will be taken during the biometric appointment. Kindly help.

Thank you
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L1B Individual - Hyderabad
Thanks all who helped me here.

03-March-2021 BioMetrics (Hyderabad): Done in 15 mins, went with Wife and 5 years old kid
Make sure you carry kids photo graph below 14 years

04-March-2021 PA(Hyderabad): My PA is @ 11 AM but they allowed me inside at 10 AM, same attended with wife and kid.

VO: Good Morning.
Me: We all greeted her back, and my kid made comment "I cannot see" and see came forward to see my kid.

VO: Can you show bar code stick to passport for scan from glass.
Me: Did all Passports.

VO: What type of Visa.
Me: Answered L1BI extension.

VO: What is your role?
Me: Answered.

VO: Salary?
Me: Answered US Salary.

VO: So working for End customer?
Me: Answered yes.

VO: Turned towards my wife, how long have you been married ?
Wife: Answered.

VO: To my kid, how old are you?
Kid: Answered.

VO: Show me your I797?
Me: Showed from Glass, may be due to covid they are not touching nay docs, just showing from glass, sticking to it and she just ready as a formality not more than 10 seconds.

VO: Show me your Employment confirmation letter?
Me: Did same as above

VO: Show me CoC.
Me : Dis same as above.

VO: When you are planning to travel?
Me: Answered..

Vo: Left finger prints for me and wife

VO: Drop you passports in box infront of her and she collected from other end

VO: Will let you guys know when your Passports are ready to pickup.
We are greeted her and left place.

04 March 2 PM: Admin process
04 March 7 PM Issued for mine alone
05 March: Issued for dependents
08 March: Ready to pickup
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L1A Individual
Dear All
Any recent experience for L1A individual, please guide n share ur experience
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