Q: I am not sure of all the answers in the form. Can I fill the online form partially, save it and come back to it later?
No. The E-DV Entry Form is designed to be completed all at once and submitted online. However, as the form contains two parts,
and because of possible network interruptions and delays, the E-DV system permits up to sixty (60) minutes between the form’s
download (means initial viewing) and when the entry is received at the E-DV website. If more than sixty minutes have elapsed
and the entry has not been electronically received, the information already received is discarded. This ensures that a full entry
could not be accidentally interpreted as a duplicate of a previous partial entry.
By looking at all the instructions, you should already know what information is required to be provided in the form. Therefore,
before you start filling the form, you should keep all the information handy, including the digital photographs.
Q: The digital photograph image that I submitted did not conform to the specification. Therefore, the system automatically rejected the E-DV entry form. Can I re-submit the entry?
Yes. As your entry was automatically rejected, it is not counted as a submitted E-DV entry and no confirmation notice of receipt
is sent. However, the amount of time it takes for the rejection message to show up on your screen is unpredictable due to the nature
of the internet. If you are able to fix the problem and submit the Form Part One or Two within sixty (60) minutes, you can do
so without any problem.
Otherwise, you will have to restart the submission process. You can try to submit an application as many times as necessary until
a complete application is received and the confirmation notice is sent.
Q: When will I see the confirmation notice that the completed E-DV entry form has been received through the online system?
The E-DV website sends this confirmation immediately. However, given the nature of the internet, the exact amount of time it would
take the response to be displayed on your screen is unpredictable. However, if many minutes have elapsed since pressing the
“Submit” button, you can press the “Submit” button a second time. As no confirmation message has been received, the E-DV system
will not be confused by you hitting the “Submit” button a second time.
You can try to submit an application as many times as necessary until
a complete application is received and the confirmation notice is sent.
However, once you receive a confirmation notice, do not resubmit your information.
Q: How do I report internet fraud or unsolicited email?
In order to file a complaint about Internet fraud, please visit the econsumer.gov
website, hosted by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in cooperation with consumer-protection agencies from 17 nations around the world.
You can also report fraud to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center.
To file a complaint about unsolicited email, contact the Department of Justice Contact Us page.
Q:If I am selected in the DV lottery, will the U.S. government provide me any assistance in settling down in the U.S.?
A: No. The U.S. government will not provide any assistance such as airfare to the U.S., assistance with searching employment, healthcare, housing assistance, or subsidies. In fact, at the time of getting an immigrant visa, you will have to provide evidence that you will not become a public charge in the U.S. once you are in the U.S. You can provide such evidence in the form of a combination of your personal assets, an Affidavit of Support (Form I-134) from a relative or friend residing in the U.S., and/or an offer of employment from an employer in the U.S.
Q: If I enter into the green card lottery, will it effect my eligibility to receive a nonimmigrant visa?
Technically, entering into the green card lottery is equivalent to filing an immigrant petition.
If your name is selected in the lottery, you may have trouble renewing nonimmigrant status while waiting for your name
to be cleared for processing or getting a new nonimmigrant visa if you are outside the U.S. However, as you would be getting
permanent residency anyway shortly, this would be a temporary problem.
If you are not selected in the lottery, it is up to you whether to state whether you applied for the green card lottery. You can
indicate in DS-160 form that “Entered in DV lottery”.
It is possible that even if you were initially selected in the drawing, you may not receive an immigrant visa because the Department
of State selects approximately the double number of applicants compared to the actual number of diversity visas available.
Q: I am out of status in the U.S. Can I enter into the green card lottery if I am eligible otherwise?
You are not required to be in the lawful immigration status in order to enter into the green card lottery.
However, the Department of State will share information with USCIS for the “formulation, amendment, administration
and enforcement” of the country’s immigration laws. Therefore, you may be subject to deportation.
Once you go out of the country, you may be submitted to a ban on reentering the U.S. of between three and ten years and therefore unable
to take advantage of winning the lottery.
Q: My child turned 21 while our lottery-based green card application was pending and is not eligible to claim to be under 21 for purposes of seeking a card. How can I get that child to the U.S.?
A: You can still retain the original date issued upon receipt of the original petition, and it is not necessary to file a new application. The case will automatically convert to the appropriate family based category.
Q: I was selected in the lottery green card. Can I get a waiver of any of the grounds of visa ineligibility?
No. There is no special provision for the waiver of any grounds of visa ineligibility other than those provided
for in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
If you are a J-1 visa holder, and if you have a two-year home residency requirement, you will not be able to get the waiver
just because you were selected in the lottery. You can still enter into the lottery. However, you will have to get the waiver
just like any other J-1 visa holder who is not selected in the lottery. As all diversity visas must be issued by the September 30
of the financial year for which lottery is being conducted, unless you are able to get a waiver of the home residency requirement
quickly, you are effectively precluded if you have not yet begun your home residency.

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